[x] n命令添加子目录功能,blog.sh n “java/test”就会新建test博客,然后移动到java目录下 – 2016年04月17日
[ ] 添加ls参数,列出时间,博客,等信息,方便查看
[ ] 提交信息显示更详细的信息(xx博客修改/增加),而不是乏味的site update。
–porcelain Give the output in an easy-to-parse format for scripts. This is similar to the short output, but will remain stable across Git versions and regardless of user configuration. See below for details.
if [ "$#" = 0 -o "$1" = "-h" ];then echo "Usage: sh blog.sh [dnp]" echo " d deployment hexo to github" echo " n create a new blog" echo " p publish draft to post" fi
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
# 判断git仓库是否有未提交的修改 function git_change(){ [ $(git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null | wc -l) != "0" ] }
# 发布最新博客到github,同时也把hexo参考提交到github # 如果没有修改则不会进行提交 if [ "$1" = "d" ];then if ! git_change;then echo "not modified." exit fi hexo g && hexo d git add . git commit -m "Site updated: `date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S`" git push origin master echo -e "deploy `date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S`\n" >> ~/blog_log fi
# 新建博客,也可以新建草稿(可以指定子目录) if [ "$1" = "n" ];then blog_dir="other" # 不指定博客子目录,都移动到other下 blog_name="$2" if [[ "$2" =~ "/" ]];then # 指定博客在子目录中 blog_dir=$(echo "$2" | sed 's/\/.*//') blog_name=$(echo "$2" | sed 's/.*\///') fi
# 先判断子目录是否存在,不存在就咨询要不要新建 if [ ! -d "$blog_dir" ];then echo "子目录'${blog_dir}'不存在,是否新建?(输入y新建): \c" read need_create if [ "$need_create" = 'y' ];then mkdir $blog_dir else echo "子目录不存在,创建博客取消" exit fi fi
# 新建 if [ "$#" = "3" ];then hexo n "$blog_name" "$3" else hexo n "$blog_name" fi
# 发布草稿到正式博客 if [ "$1" = "p" ];then hexo p "$2" fi #!/bin/bash # author: mazhibin # log : 2016-02-25 新建 # : 2016-03-15 获取git仓库状态,只在有修改的情况下,才会执行发布操作 # : 2016-03-18 修复判断git仓库状态的bug(没有搞懂shell的if语句导致的) # : 2016-04-17 n命令添加子目录功能,blog.sh n "java/test"就会新建test博客,然后移动到java目录下
if [ "$#" = 0 -o "$1" = "-h" ];then echo "Usage: sh blog.sh [dnp]" echo " d deployment hexo to github" echo " n create a new blog" echo " p publish draft to post" fi
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
# 判断git仓库是否有未提交的修改 function git_change(){ [ $(git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null | wc -l) != "0" ] }
# 发布最新博客到github,同时也把hexo参考提交到github # 如果没有修改则不会进行提交 if [ "$1" = "d" ];then if ! git_change;then echo "not modified." exit fi hexo g && hexo d git add . git commit -m "Site updated: `date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S`" git push origin master echo -e "deploy `date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S`\n" >> ~/blog_log fi
# 新建博客,也可以新建草稿(可以指定子目录) if [ "$1" = "n" ];then blog_dir="other" # 不指定博客子目录,都移动到other下 blog_name="$2" if [[ "$2" =~ "/" ]];then # 指定博客在子目录中 blog_dir=$(echo "$2" | sed 's/\/.*//') blog_name=$(echo "$2" | sed 's/.*\///') fi
# 先判断子目录是否存在,不存在就咨询要不要新建 if [ ! -d "$blog_dir" ];then echo "子目录'${blog_dir}'不存在,是否新建?(输入y新建): \c" read need_create if [ "$need_create" = 'y' ];then mkdir $blog_dir else echo "子目录不存在,创建博客取消" exit fi fi
# 新建 if [ "$#" = "3" ];then hexo n "$blog_name" "$3" else hexo n "$blog_name" fi